Sunday, July 1, 2012

Idea of the Day-Illusion

Hello, y'all people. (Like the southern accent?) I'm starting something called "Idea of the Day," where I will share a fictional something or other that came to my head and needs to get out. Starting now.

Imagine a creature that messes with your sense of reality. One that can't be thought of as real. That's right, you know of what I speak. An illusion. Hallucination. Dream. Figment of your imagination. Call it what you wish. But you know, that thing that you saw in the basement during the last full moon or the figure on the rooftop or the reflection in the water that you saw peering over your shoulder. And as soon as you looked away, it burrowed deep within the bowels of your mind and tampered with them, making you think that it was only an image. A mirage. A trick of the light. But think, when your dog barks at nothing or when you feel a deep sense of eerie paranoia, do you remember? Remember that thing that gazed into your shadowed irises and didn't move. And you, you convinced yourself that it wasn't real. That it was only an illusion.

Frightened? Don't be; it's only a hallucination.

c. Taylor Ward 2012. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. Very Dr. Who-esk, in a good way. If you were to put it in a story, it would be cool to make there be some guy who could see it, and try to convince everybody else. Although, they think it's a hallucination.
