Ok, people, this is how it's going to work. Every week, I will post a full-sized, regular blog post. I will post an "Idea of the Day" daily. Excerpts, poems, short stories, etc. will pop up at random. Mkay?
What Makes a Good Villain?
Total Jerk: Has no morals or kindness, is just plain mean.
Good-Turned-Bad: A good guy who was tricked/corrupted to evil.
Hidden: A villain who show him/herself as an enemy for a while.
Pompous Meanie: Just a jerk (Bullies and things of the like.)
Big n' Powerful: Usually is a ruler of an army or something; makes for a good threat.
Antagonists vs. Villains
Believe it or not, antagonists are not always villains. Villains are enemies/threats, antagonists are just obstacles and characters who present a problem. For instance, in the Harry Potter books, Draco Malfoy is an antagonist, while Lord Voldemort is the villain.
Now for the big question: What makes a good villain? A good villain should be threatening, dangerous, and much more powerful than the protagonist. They should also get personal with the pro-tag, to spice things up and make the story a bit more intriguing.
The villain has to want something from the protagonist, or be out to get him/her for some reason. If the villain doesn't even know the protagonist's name, then it's really kinda boring. They can't be easily defeated, either. And last but not least, they should cause a great loss for the pro-tag.
L8R G8R(S)
c Taylor Ward 2012. All rights reserved.